Tuesday, September 16, 2008

hey guys, sorry my post is so late, but i've been busy workin on some other pretty important things, but now i've got a moment or two, and i've actually remembered...

--i agree with Phil on the shirts with BSU percentage of slaves stats, those would be great!
--i really like the idea of sidewalk chalk, but today i found out (and mentioned to Phil) that they're trying to ban sidewalk chalk usage on campus, based on inappropriate remarks that have been made.  i'm working with some other people on trying to get that ban revoked soon, but until then we shouldn't connect our name with anything the school doesn't permit.... obviously that would be bad for us
--i really like the idea of a "freedom chain" with purchase-able links, idea #9 on the previous list
--use the radio to advertise group meetings
--use the paper to advertise...
--the charity concert on LaFollette Field would be a really cool one, even though i'm not sure how to go about it!  any ideas?
--the book list (both Amazon and BSU) would be awesome!
--selling jewelry
--directly partnering with Rafa House

i know i listed a lot, but hopefully others will be able to hep narrow down, either on this blog, or tomorrow night at the meeting, and we can continue to go from there!


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