Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lifesaver Handout Sign-up

The idea of making fact sheets and attaching Lifesavers sounds like one that we should put into effect ASAP. So here's the deal: This blog is a sign-up, thus the title :) The big event will take place on April 7th and 8th at the scramble light. This way we can take advantage of the Mon. idea, but we can also offer Tues. for those with tight Mon. schedules. Ideally, it would be nice to have at least 2 people there at all times. Taking into account busy schedules, shifts will last one hour. We will be there from 12PM until 3PM as that seems to be the busiest time of the day. Please sign-up via comment for a shift whenever you're available. Also, if you can show up to your shift 10 min early to relieve someone who may have a class on the hour, it would be greatly appreciated. At the shift you choose, report to our set-up at the scramble light (we'll be on the same corner as North Quad). Also, if you are available to design the handout/ help with attaching lifesavers prior to this event, please shoot an email to freetheslavesbsu@gmail. Thanks guys!!


Free the Slaves: Ball State Chapter said...
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Phil said...

Unfortunately, I have class or work at most of those times. I can do Tuesday from 1-2, but I might arrive a little late since I get off of work at 1.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mondays, I can do it from 1-2 and 2-3, and on Tuesdays I'm available 2-3. I'll take any of those times, depending on the availability of everyone else.

Cara said...

I'm sorry, I'm either in class or working during those times. Honestly, I have lunch for one hour each day during those times, but I have to eat. So, I'm not able to do it unless it is dire, and I will still have to eat my lunch anyway. My lunches are 12-1 on Monday and 1-2 on Tuesday. Let me know if you don't get anyone else.

Whitney Galvin said...

Mondays are no can do's for me. I have class and work from 11-3. However, on Tuesday, I can hand out lifesavers at 12-1. I have work at 1 though, so I would need someone to be there atleast five minutes early for their shift so that I can high tail it back to RB. If needed, I can also hand out lifesavers at 2ish (but, I won't be able to relieve someone until five after or so (b/c of work). Either way, let me know! Also, whoever needs help putting together the lifesavers, let me know and I'll I see what I can do!

Sarah B said...

I can help Whitney on Tuesday from 12-1, I'll be late but I can wait for whoever is coming at 1 since Whit has to leave early.